The skin is the organ that protects the body from its external environment. It has various functions that include, preventing the entry of foreign matter from the outside, the barrier function that keeps the transpiration of water from inside under control, the sensation of stimuli such as heat and pain, and body temperature adjustments.
The many problems relating to the skin that occur on the body include blemishes, dryness, roughness, sunburn, poor blood circulation, itching, body odor, unwanted hair, and caused by daily activities such as housework such as the roughness of the hands.
Our natural oil-based Face Lifting Cream brings you the benefits of Licorice, known to relax facial muscles and reduce stress. Specially formulated with natural anti-oxidants, it helps diminish wrinkles and age spots while giving you firm, youthful skin. Suitable for all types of skin.
Dreamron Gold Facial Treatment kit is an innovative product range that consist of six facial products which contains "Gold Nano particles & evening Primrose Oil". It gives whitening & soothing effect on the skin giving fair, healthy & beautiful skin.